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Date: 12-02-2021

‘I Like it Here, it Feels Like a Second Home’ – EDUCAS Presented to a Broad International Audience

Tags: early childhood care and education, Belgium, quality education, workforce

EDUCAS project was presented to a broad international audience during the ISSA Connects Week in December 2020. The session gained the attention of 87 people from around the world. Participants included a wide range of professionals such as teachers, head of trainings, program directors or global leads on early childhood education, and either from local, national or international organisations.

During the online interactive session  ‘I like it here, it feels like a second home’: The role of ECEC spaces in joining education and care , partners from the EDUCAS Project from Belgium, Italy, Lithuania shared lessons learned and insights concerning the role of Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) spaces in promoting an ‘educare’ approach (education and care as intertwined). 

The partners from the three countries, after providing the overview of the project,  engaged with participants in small groups on the following themes:


The EDUCAS project aims to create ECEC environments that holistically support children’s development, taking into account the diverse perspectives of people involved in the process (children, parents, and professionals).