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Date: 03-09-2024
pp webinar

ISSA Thematic Workshop: Future Pathways for Playful Parenting

Watch the recordings below

Welcome to our virtual playful parenting playground, rich with possibilities!

Join us for an exciting workshop where we explore and shape the future of playful parenting. This vibrant gathering of experts, enthusiasts, and change-makers aims to unlock the magic of play in parenting. Through engaging presentations, dynamic group discussions, and interactive activities, we’ll delve into the wonders of playful parenting and its incredible impact on our children's development. Join us for two hours of discovery and excitement as we celebrate the joy and importance of play in parenting!

Date: Thursday, September 26, 2024 - 13h15h

Organized by ISSA, UNICEF, LEGO Foundation


  • Provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of playful parenting.
  • Highlight successful pilots and initiatives.
  • Facilitate thematic group discussions to identify future pathways.
  • Formulate actionable steps for practice and policy improvement.


13:00-13:10 Welcome and Introduction

13:10-13:15 Why Playful Parenting

  • Jill Popp, Senior Research Specialist, LEGO Foundation: Highlighting the significance of playful parenting and its impact on child development and LEGO Foundation’s commitment to supporting it.

13:15-13:20 Playful Parenting Programming

  • UNICEF ECD Associate Director, Erinna Dia: Overview from UNICEF HQ on the Playful Parenting Programming.

13:20-13:35 Serbia Playful Parenting Programme in Focus

  • UNICEF Serbia Representative Sonja Vujin, Project Manager Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities, Serbia (implementing partner): Detailed presentation on the Playful Parenting Programme in Serbia, showcasing its outcomes and learnings.

13:35-13:45 Interactive Q&A Session

13:45-14:20 Future Pathways for Playful Parenting

Thematic Small Group Discussions:

  • Implementation research
  • Men and Playful Parenting
  • Supporting Professionals in Promoting and Communicating about Playful Parenting with Parents

14:20-14:35 Encircling Future Pathways

14:35-15:00 Closing panel and conclusions