Webinar: Caring for Caregivers. A Path Towards Playful Parenting
Title: Webinar: Caring for Caregivers. A Path Towards Playful Parenting Date: Wednesday, March 31, 2021 - 14:00 End date: Wednesday, March 31, 2021 - 15:30 Location: online Register before: Wednesday, March 31, 2021 - 14:00 Organised by: ISSA, UNICEF, The LEGO Foundation
Early childhood is a critical period that lays the foundation for children’s optimal development. To reach their full developmental potential, children need nurturing care, consisting of the five interrelated components of responsive caregiving (including play and stimulation), good health and nutrition, opportunities for early learning and protection from harm and a sense of security – especially during the first 1,000 days of their lives.
Parents and caregivers are the most important providers of nurturing care in early childhood, and are key to enabling their children’s optimal development. The 2016 Lancet Early Childhood Development Series highlights that efforts to support children are not likely to bear success unless they concurrently provide support for the caregivers upon whom children depend for care. We know that the wellbeing of the caregivers is an essential prerequisite for the wellbeing of the child, and that in the best interest of the child, we need to ensure that parents and caregivers are healthy and able to engage in nurturing care. Seen through children’s eyes, children always want their parents to be healthy and have time to play and learn with them! Play is transformative for children – it allows them to creatively develop their imagination, talent, and physical, cognitive, and emotional strengths. As primary caregivers, parents are naturally and uniquely positioned to provide playful learning experiences as a child’s first and lasting playmate.
The Caring for the Caregiver programme aims to build front-line workers’ skills in strengths-based counselling to increase caregivers’ confidence and help them develop stress management, self-care and conflict-resolution skills to support their emotional well-being. The programme integrates well-established evidence on the impact of the programs supporting emotional wellbeing and mental health of the caregivers by translating these in practical tools and a set of activities that encourage self-care, family engagement, relationship building and social support.
The Playful Parenting programme in Serbia recognizes the importance of play, joy, and mental health, as strongly interconnected aspects of building family resilience and quality child care and positive outcomes for children.
You can find more information about the webinar here.
Register for the webinar here.