NESET Analytical Report - Governing quality Early Childhood Education and Care in a global crisis: first lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic
The central aim of this study is to examine what measures have been taken by selected EU member states – two countries (Sweden and Croatia), as well as three regions (Flanders in Belgium, Berlin in Germany and Emilia-Romagna in Italy) – to deal with the COVID-19 crisis during the first year of the pandemic (March-December 2020), in order to ensure quality ECEC for children and families.
The data analysed show that ECEC played a crucial role in countering the negative effects of the pandemic on children, families and communities. However, compared with other levels of education, ECEC appears to have been one of the sectors most vulnerable to the policy decisions taken in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The InTrans project statements - Reclaiming transitions as inclusive relational spaces in times of crisis and beyond, and Investing in professionalization of ECEC staff to foster smooth transitions in times of crisis and beyond - are based on the results of this report.