
Nine universities and research or training organizations in cooperation with educational institutions were involved in the START project with ISSA being an associate partner of it. The project members came from Slovenia, Italy, Belgium and the United Kingdom of Great Britain. 


Watch the videos published by the Romani Early Years Network (REYN) from the ISSA conference on why diversity counts.


Under the theme Nurturing Environments, ISSA Conference 2019 participants will investigate how to best support young children in their development, in various settings where they live, play, grow and learn.


Romania’s President, Klaus Iohannis, visited the Step by Step Primary and Secondary School in Bucharest.


Eight candidates to be Play Hubs coordinator attended a three-day training in Croatia. “I felt understood; people accepted me as I am,” said trainee Tatiana Pastorekova.


How would you organize neighborhoods, public spaces, parks, transportation and other early childhood services if you could see the city through the eyes of a child?


With three outstanding Keynote Speakers, the ISSA Conference lineup is one you won't want to miss. Listen to Paul Lesemen's takte on current research and his call to action for you in an interivew ahead of #ISSAConference 2019.


Did you know the 2019 edition of Early Childhood Matters will be launched at the ISSA Conference? Internationally-acclaimed early childhood expert Joan Lombardi will mark the launch as moderator of a plenary session focused on the publication. 


Step by Step Center for Education and Professional Development provides a platform for decision-makers, business leaders and early childhood experts to work together in Romania


The ISSA Conference brings you to resources on the cutting-edge of the ECD field. Take a look at what the ISSA Conference 2019 has to offer on some emerging topics.