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Persona Doll

Hosted By:
Partners Hungary Foundation
Start Date:
End Date:
ECEC, diversity

The Persona Doll method is an effective approach to help children ages 3-8 to talk about emotions and feelings and to explore and confront fear and worries. The method also provides a powerful, non-threatening and enjoyable way to raise equality issues and counter stereotypical and discriminatory thinking with young children. The dolls help children to express their feelings and worries, think critically, develop empathy and challenge unfair treatment.

Partners Hungary continuously offered Persona Doll training for ISSA members for the last 15 years, and now there is a great number of EC practitioners using the dolls in the region. Some practitioners are using the method on an everyday basis, some randomly, and some would need more support / mentoring for a confident use. 

This professional community with intense mentoring and peer support will help everyone, no matter where they stand on the spectrum of the level of practice and would serve ISSA with a lively professional learning hub. The main goal of the JLL is to create a community where everyone having a basic knowledge on Persona Doll Method will receive support, feedback and peer mentoring. The ultimate goal is be to raise the number of professionals active in the field of Diversity and Equity.