Van Keulen, A., and Vandekerckhove, A., et al.
Published in:
VBJK, Bureau Mutant
Belgium, The Netherlands

European Quality Framework: 5 Steps to Quality

The training package 5 Steps to Quality is promoting the implementation of the European Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education and Care (EQF) with the aim to building and improving the quality in early childhood education and care services at country and organisation level. The training focuses on awareness raising, reflection and dialogue on the five quality elements in the EQF (accessibility, workforce, curriculum, monitoring and evaluation, finance and governance), at the same time linking these five quality elements with the contextual country guidelines and laws.

The training package was developed by a cross-country team led by ISSA members Bureau Mutant (The Netherlands) and VBJK (Belgium) in 2015-2016, within a Peer Learning Activity supported financially by ISSA. A second Peer Learning Activity provided members from Bulgaria, Macedonia, Moldova and Montenegro and Slovenia with the opportunity to explore together with their colleagues in The Netherlands and Belgium how they can further use the training package in their respective countries.