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Start with Children Summit | THE BRATISLAVA SUMMIT 2024 To register and learn more, click here. A place designed with children’s health in mind benefits all residents. It’s safe, inclusive, and great for physical and mental health. And a city that remains attractive to future generations will be better equipped to face demographic, economic, and climate challenges.
Webinar: Putting early childhood onto the national political radar You may access the webinar recording here.  You may access the webinar slides here.
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ISSA New Member Community Educational Foundation (CEF) “School for All” is one of the successful Kazakhstani NGOs that implements innovative educational initiatives based on democratic approach in teaching to make it more effective, meaningful, relevant and useful. The Foundation cooperates with other academic and research institutions in the country and abroad.
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On 12 January, ISSA Member, For Our Children Foundation, took part in the largest roundtable discussion to date on Bulgaria’s new approach to Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC). 
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On 2 March, a Health Systems for Early Child Development webinar presented the guiding principles and examples of practical approaches to integrating nurturing care in Italy’s primary health care services. The webinar was organized in partnership with ISSA Member Centro per la Salute del Bambino, an NGO that has played a leading role in introducing ealy childhood development policy and practices in Italy.
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A new tool focused on empowering Continuous Professional Development (CPD) for school leadership to create inclusive school cultures was recently released through the HEAD: Empowering School Principals for Inclusive School Culture project.
Health care systems are well-trusted and far-reaching. Their access to young children and their families in the most critical years for optimal brain development provides a unique opportunity to support caregivers for nurturing care, which includes care for the child's health, safety and security, responsive Interactions, learning and stimulation, and identification of and support for children at risk of developmental difficulties to develop to their full potential. 
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In conjunction with the launch of the new European Care Strategy on September 7, 2022, the European Commission delivered a Proposal for a COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION on the Revision of the Barcelona Targets on early childhood education and care.
Educating and caring for young children is a big responsibility, challenge and commitment. The POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS for strengthening the importance of SPACE and EDUCARE approach in early childhood systems aim at providing a comprehensive set of recommendations for policymakers on EU and national levels, funders, and other ECEC stakeholders.
Transitions across the home environment, early childhood education and care (ECEC) settings and compulsory school education (CSE) mark significant changes in the life of children and their families and communities. Positive experiences of transition between educational levels can be a critical factor for children’s future success and development, while negative experiences can have lasting challenges leading to poorer educational performance, especially for more disadvantaged children.
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