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ISSA Conference, 2024 Reconnect with our professional network After a long-awaited return, the ISSA Conference is back in person in 2024! This year, we are thrilled to reconvene our community of Members, partners and like-minded peers, early childhood enthusiasts, experts, and advocates.  Why should you attend?
GREELCO study visit | Kindergarten Predškolska Ustanova “Čukarica”, Serbia
GREELCO study visit | Kindergarten Vrtec Bled, Slovenia
Webinar | The Power of Parenting in the Early Years: Presenting UNICEF’s Parenting Support Framework for Europe and Central Asia
Fathers matter, too! Supporting men's engagement in children’s care and development  This webinar will shine a light on the critical role of fathers in child development, delving into strategies to bolster their involvement in caregiving. Additionally, it will introduce the Engaging Men in Nurturing Care initiative active in Italy, Portugal, and Spain, which aims to reshape policies and practices at both local and national levels to cultivate environments that champion paternal involvement.
TOY webinar for Global Intergenerational Week
The role of developmental screening of young children in data collection systems
Applying the Nurturing Care Framework to multisectoral M&E systems for early childhood development In this webinar, learn how the Nurturing Care Framework can be used at national and subnational levels within the context of multisectoral monitoring and evaluation systems and hear a practical country example of its application in this context. This webinar is part of the series, "From Fragmentation to a Unity of Effort for Early Childhood Development" covering the SDGs and multisectoral ECD monitoring and evaluation systems.
Co-Constructing a Climate Resilient Future: Putting our trust in the children  Join ARNEC and Save the Childrenfor a discussion featuring The City School of ELC International Schools Bangkok as they share how they were inspired by the Reggio Emilia Approach to Education to develop children and teachers’ adaptive capacities through a rewilding project with children of six and seven years of age. 
Places to Grow Conference: Celebrating Collaboration and Innovation in Early Childhood Development (ECD) 
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