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The Learning Centers Network initiated by Balkan Sunflowers connects 40 Learning Centers managed by different NGOs in Albania. These centers include preschool services, curriculum support, literacy and science programs, and an education mediator targeting the most vulnerable children and their families. The mediator works with schools and families to ensure children's school enrolment. Due to these efforts, 93% of the eligible children from the areas where centers are and mediators work enroll in the first grade fo school.
News article
After many years of experience in the country, ISSA Member Step by Step Albania has encountered an unprecedented situation after the lockdown due to COVID-19 outbreak was announced. Focused on the professional development of teachers, the organisation reaches more than 4 000 educational practitioners with its training and ECEC resources.  
The report Quality of Early Childhood Education Services - Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro resulted from a consultancy carried out by Jan Peeters from VBJK (ISSA's member from Flanders) for the UNICEF Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia (UNICEF ECARO). The report was commissioned based on the findings and recommendations of the 2014 Multi-Country Evaluation (MCE) on Increasing Access and Equity in Early Childhood Education carried out by UNICEF ECARO.
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