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My Dad's Journey - Engaging Men in Nurturing Care In collaboration with Eurochild, ISSA proudly presents "My Dad's Journey," an endearing animated short film that beautifully underscores the indispensable role fathers play in nurturing their children. 
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Webinar: Fathers matter, too! Supporting men's engagement in young children's care and development
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Center for Child Health and Development pilots an observational tool to promote responsive caregiving  
The European REYN Early Childhood Research Study (the REYN Study) provides an examination of the status of young Roma children and their families across Europe. It offers a comprehensive understanding of the multi-layered and intersectional nature of the challenges faced by young Roma children and their families. The REYN Study presents key findings from a thorough analysis of data on key areas of the lives of young Roma children and their families.
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REYN Early Childhood Research Study launches today The European REYN Early Childhood Research Study (the REYN Study) has been released today during the ISSA Connects for Learning event in Opatija, Croatia.
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On 2 March, a Health Systems for Early Child Development webinar presented the guiding principles and examples of practical approaches to integrating nurturing care in Italy’s primary health care services. The webinar was organized in partnership with ISSA Member Centro per la Salute del Bambino, an NGO that has played a leading role in introducing ealy childhood development policy and practices in Italy.
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From Wednesday, May 18 to Friday, May 20, the InTrans project consortium organised a high-level networking exchange among policy-makers and key stakeholders in Copenhagen. The meeting involved 32 participants, including 18 policy-makers and stakeholders from Belgium (Flanders), Finland, Italy and Slovenia.
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As a partner of the Diversity+ project, ISSA hosted a two-day transnational meeting in its Leiden office on Thursday, 12 and Friday 13 May.
The ultimate goal of the InTrans project is to ensure that all children and families — especially the most vulnerable — benefit from warm and inclusive transitional practice in ECEC and school.  
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The introduction of an integrated ECEC system in Italy provides a unique opportunity to bring attention and raise awareness to the topics of educational transitions and pedagogical continuity.
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