Quality Resource Pack

The culmination of many years of work in defining and promoting quality pedagogy, ISSA’s Quality Resource Pack proposes a practice-research-policy blended approach to quality, enabled by various tools that can be used with practitioners, pre- and in-service trainers, supervisors, parents and poli

Date: 09-04-2024

The PIQET project launches quality principles for the professional development of educators

The PIQET consortium developed a set of nine quality principles for the recruitment, selection, training, and support of CPD educators.


Date: 22-11-2023

New Analysis Examines the Current Recruitment and Professional Development Practices for CPD Educators

New analysis released under the PIQET consortium sheds light on professionals delivering in-service Continuous Professional Development (CPD) opportunities for professionals in centers and schools.

Group reflection as a motor for high-quality educational practice. An inspirational travel guide for practitioners and leaders in ECEC and primary schools

This Guide will help you get familiar with the collaborative reflective practices of educators working in Early Childhood Education Centres (ECEC) and primary schools.

Date: 28-09-2023

The ISSA Network Consults on a Framework for Continuous Professional Development Providers

The PIQET project consulted ISSA Members and partners on a quality framework for CPD providers during ISSA Connects for Learning 2023

Date: 06-10-2022

Meet new ISSA Member: NestingPlay

Based in Hungary, NestingPlay is a social enterprise that focuses on empowering adults to support children with developmental delays through play.

Date: 14-06-2022

High-quality professional development contributes to high-quality pedagogical practice

High quality continuous professional development (CPD) activities require high calibre practitioners to deliver this training. 

From Special School to Resource Centre: Supporting Vulnerable Young Children in Central and Eastern Europe: A Guide for Positive Change

This guide supports a wide range of professionals working alongside parents and caregivers in both special and mainstream systems to manage and implement the ongoing transitions that affect how special and mainstream institutions provide services and coordinate actions. This includes those who may be special educational needs teachers, special pedagogues, psychologists, teaching assistants, or sign language interpreters. It also includes mainstream teachers and other school staff working to support improvements in provision, which promote quality inclusive education for all children at preschool and school level. The guide introduces the principles of inclusion along with ideas and strategies that can be used to manage change. 

Course on the ISSA Principles of Quality Pedagogy

Inclusion of a course on the ISSA Principles of Quality Pedagogy for fourth year students at the Kazakh Women's University in Almaty, and three methodological training centres in Kysyforda, Zhambul, and Semey regions with co-financing. 

Growing Together

The Growing Together project consisted of three parts: improving preschool education practices by using the ISSA Principles of Quality Pedagogy and parent and community involvement; building community and  partnerships at the primary school level, and parental education. The project's results were disseminated through Ministry of Education and other agencies.