Mektebim (My School)
Mektebim is a women-led, child-centred, community-based, inclusive preschool business.
Our mission
To provide the sustainable community-based and inclusive Early Childhood Education (ECE) services for all children, including those who do not have the chance to study, due to location, disability, or poverty, through empowering and engagement of local women to entrepreneurship in preschool education business.
Mektebim program
- Plays an important role in improving of socio-economic situation in the country by creating job opportunities for women. It empowers women to manage and sustain inclusive preschool services independently, turning preschool into a profitable business for them.
- Creates inclusive preschool education opportunities and equal participation in society for all children aged 2-6 years who do not have access to alternative services, including who are typically excluded from mainstream society due to location, poverty and disability.
The Program addresses below mentioned target groups from the low-income rural areas:
- Children, including those with disabilities.
- Women - entrepreneurs
- Community/parents
Currently Mektebim supports 24 active Mektebim schools in Azerbaijan in the following cities and regions: Baku, Sumgayit, Absheron, Gandja, Haciqabul, Lankaran, Shirvan, Zaqatala, Neftchala.
To ensure the sustainability of the program, we organise capacity building and awareness raising activities to empower women entrepreneurs who run Mektebim groups and strengthen their abilities to market their business in local communities. Right after joining Mektebim, our team provides selected women with preschool assets; training packages on preschool pedagogy and management, and the “Mektebim” brand name. the “Mektebim” brand name offers advantages such as a child-oriented preschool program, a single preschool design, and a country-wide PR. In later stages, women engage in Membership activities such as regular meetings, training, and conferences.
Mektebim is inspired by Step by Step approach and Azerbaijani Government National Curriculum for their program. All the kids can participate in the classes together to improve their creativity, critical and logical thinking, communication skills etc. to get fully ready for the school life later. Mektebim also involves parents in order to keep them updated about their child’s development and work together to achieve the best experience for the children.
Our supporters are:
- United Aid For Azerbaijan (UAFA)
- ShokkiMokki
- Azerbaijan Public Employment Agency
- Small and Medium Business Development Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan
- Xoşbəxt Sabahlar (happy Mornings) TV Show
Watch a video about the program here.