EDUCAS - Case Study Belgium (FL): Re-thinking ECEC spaces/materials by reflecting on practice
Throughout the three years of the EDUCAS project, partners in Belgium (FL), Italy and Lithuania have undertaken a thorough examination of existing visions and methods related to organizing ECEC environments in their contexts. With the support of two ECEC centres in each country, they have locally developed Action Research paths that are tailored to the contexts in which the six ECEC centers are working. The project aims to improve the organization of these ECEC centers’ space and materials within the educare approach.
The case Study in Belgium (FL) presents the action research that was coordinated by VBJK and developed together with the two ECEC centres (Hippo’s Hof and De Tandem).
In addition, drawing on the process and results of EDUCAS project, in combination with the results of other projects/research concerning educare/spaces, a set of implications (for the Belgian-FL context) for policy and practice on a local and regional level have been elaborated.