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Resource author
Trikic, Brajkovic, Tankersley
Published in
ISSA - International Step by Step Association
The Netherlands
Zorica Trikic,

Education for diversity toolkit: Program for adults working with and for children

This toolkit represents the compilation of different programs and specific activities developed by ISSA and its members over the past 15 years. The backbone of the toolkit is ISSA’s core document Competent Educators of the 21st century: Princi­ples of Quality Pedagogy which focuses on process, quality and educators as agents of change and their power and ability (with more or less support) to enrich the lives of children, families and communities and thus of society in general. The main focus is on developing an understanding and respect for diversity that creates a climate in edu­cational institutions so that every child can thrive.

The entire toolkit acknowledges the knowledge that exists in communities and seeks ways to erase the resistant boundaries that can exist between educatio­nal institutions and some of the communities that they serve. The toolkit contains numerous tips, theoretical and conceptual explanations, more than 50 activities for children and 14 workshop sessions for educators. Sessions for educators can easily be combined with the sessions from Embracing diversity, creating equitable societies through personal transformation – Program for adults