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Contact ISSA Member

Skola dokoran – Wide Open School n. O.
Bratislava - Stare Mesto
(+421)-917-069 943
Full Member

Geographical Focus




Type of organisation

Non-governmental organization

Thematic focus

Health programs

Access to services

Parenting support programs

Social inclusion for Romani and migrant children

Social inclusion for children with special needs

Organisation groups

Eastern European members

ESJ license

Full and Affiliate Members of ISSA

Targeted age groups

Before childbirth (pregnancy)


Direct targeted groups

Health professionals

Social workers


Supervisors (inspectors)

Managers of services

Policy makers

Higher education staff

In-service training providers

Practitioners with Romani background



All families in heterogeneous communities, especially with children at an early age, living in a full-value and tolerant environment, have access to education and social services, and in addressing their needs they can rely on an open and competent public administration.
Škola dokorán - Wide Open School:
-cares about the needs of families from heterogeneous communities, especially those with children at an early age,
-contributes to the development of stimulating environment with emphasis on education, employment, housing and health,
-eliminates intolerance and facilitates dialogue among stakeholders.

Škola dokorán - Wide Open School respects:
-Partner approach and cooperation
-Open communication.

Škola dokorán - Wide Open School n. o. is an open nonprofit organization dedicated to community development and lifelong learning for socially disadvantaged groups, with an emphasis on families, especially with children at an early age, and with an ambition to compete on the international level.


The Diversity+ project earns perfect score of 100/100

The Diversity+ project earns perfect score of 100/100 We are excited to announce that the Erasmus+ project “Diversity+” has received a perfect score of 100/100 from the Italian Erasmus+ N...

Wide Open School: "Learning from ISSA Network is a Huge Added Value of our Membership"

ISSA Member in Slovakia Wide Open School is an open non-profit organization focused on community development and lifelong learning in socially disadvantaged groups with an emphasis on families, especi...

Diversity+ provides complete set of tools for ECEC professionals

Diversity+ provides complete set of tools for ECEC professionals Over the past three years, the Diversity+ project has provided Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) professionals, managers and p...

Diversity+ Charter: Supporting First Steps Towards Diversity Positive ECEC Services

The Diversity+ project provides ECEC professionals, managers and practitioners with governance, benchmarking, recognition and professionalization tools to help them transform their practice and o...

Diversity+ Transnational Partners Meeting in Slovakia

Last week, the partners of the Diversity+ project spent two days in Bratislava for the first in-person Transnational Partners Meeting warmly hosted by a project partner and ISSA Member Skola Dokoran –...

NEWS - Exchanging Goods and Good Times in Slovakia

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Inclusion for all: a Peer Learning Activity in Ukraine

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Toolkit to bring play and inclusion to refugees living in remote communities

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"Let's Play" Activity Cards - Play-based activities for healing and learning

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Toolkit on inclusive community-based ECEC

This toolkit on inclusive community-based ECEC is divided into a Handbook & Activity Cards. The toolkit is designed for practitioners in non-formal educational settings who work with childre...

EQF of Diversity Ambassador in ECEC environments

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Trust Based Parenting

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Diversity+ Charter: First steps towards diversity positive services

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Health and Child

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Effective Teaching and Learning for Minority-language Children in Pre-school

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