Playful Parenting Series
Introducing the Playful Parenting Series: Insights, Tips, and Transformative Strategies
Welcome to our Playful Parenting Series, an engaging collection of articles and vlogs designed to empower parents and caregivers with innovative strategies to enhance their children's development through play. This series is part of the "Scaling-Up Playful Parenting" initiative, a groundbreaking partnership between the LEGO Foundation and UNICEF, committed to promoting playful interactions and increasing global understanding and support for playful parenting programs.
Since its launch on October 29, 2019, this initiative has aimed to scale parenting interventions that foster responsive caregiving, crucial for healthy brain development and lifelong learning in young children. By expanding these impactful programs beyond local levels, the LEGO Foundation and UNICEF strive to create sustainable, large-scale change. This partnership emphasizes in-depth work in Zambia and Serbia, advocacy and communication, and global knowledge generation and dissemination.
Our Playful Parenting Series includes the following insightful articles and vlogs:
- Navigating Digital Play
- Play as an Equalizing Factor
- Playful Parenting Implementation: Serbia (vlog)
- Playful Pathways
- 13 Reasons Why
- Transform Story Time to Adventure Time
- The Key to Engaged Fatherhood (vlog)
- Nurturing Resilience Through Play Among Migrant & Refugee Families (vlog)
- 21 Joyful Learning Activities for Babies and Toddlers