Reflective Teachers for Quality Education
Reflective teachers for quality education is a book reflecting the Step by Step Moldova NGO experience in promoting transformative democratic, child/earner-centered education. The book has three chapters.
Chapter one – From the Diversity of Teachers’ Practices - presents reflections from the experience of Step by Step classroom practitioners on how they build inclusive learning communities, where each child can succeed; on how they promote active and meaningful children’s learning, overcoming the barriers between the formally disconnected curricula subjects and encourage children initiated leaning, including through applying a project-based approach.
Chapter two - From Competent Teachers to Competent Trainers-Mentors - includes the reflections of SBSM practitioners on the path they followed to assume the new roles of trainers and mentors and the factors that contributed to it. Relying on ISSA developed QRP (PDT, and other resources), SBSM introduced new forms of teacher continuous professional development, including interactive and practice-oriented training and (individual and group) mentoring to support teachers’ critical reflection skills for quality child-centered education.
Chapter three - Stories That Illustrate the Change - contains stories shared by different stakeholders on the changes promoted by SBSm along the years. The chapter includes the voices and perspectives of teachers, parents, children managers. A special compartment is dedicated to the changes SBSM brought to the in-service teacher training in several institutions.