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Resource author
Lani Florian and Dragana Sretenov
Published in
Early Childhood Program of the Open Society Foundations

From Special School to Resource Centre: Supporting Vulnerable Young Children in Central and Eastern Europe: A Guide for Positive Change

This guide supports a wide range of professionals working alongside parents and caregivers in both special and mainstream systems to manage and implement the ongoing transitions that affect how special and mainstream institutions provide services and coordinate actions. This includes those who may be special educational needs teachers, special pedagogues, psychologists, teaching assistants, or sign language interpreters. It also includes mainstream teachers and other school staff working to support improvements in provision, which promote quality inclusive education for all children at preschool and school level. The guide introduces the principles of inclusion along with ideas and strategies that can be used to manage change. 

This guide serves two purposes. First, it provides information and strategies that can help solve problems and manage change. Second, it facilitates self-directed professional development that helps empower staff to fulfill the leadership role expected of resource centers.