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Daniel, S., Trikic, Z., Cortellesi G., and Kernan, M.
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Vodič za uspješnu implementaciju
Published in
International Child Development Initiatives ICDI
the Netherlands
Giulia Cortellesi,

What works guide: ECEC Play Hubs - a first step towards integration

This guide documents the promising practices of the Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) Play Hubs, which support integration of Roma at local level. The practices and the accompanying recommendations are based on the evidence from the TOY for Inclusion project piloted in seven countries. The guide is designed for practitioners and local authorities. It can assist them in the implementation of community-based ECEC services for Romani and other children to improve social cohesion. The guide also informs local, national and EU level policy-makers about how to use social and economic solidarity between cultures and generations to promote desegregation and inclusion. The recommendations presented in the guide complement one another and are most effective when implemented simultaneously. Together the practices and recommendations provide clear guidelines for a systemic approach and sustainable local solutions in both policy and in practice.