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Date: 15-05-2024

Webinar: Fathers matter, too! Supporting men's engagement in young children's care and development

Webinar: Fathers matter, too! Supporting men's engagement in young children's care and development

This webinar introduced the Engaging Men in Nurturing Care (EMiNC) initiative, active across Italy, Portugal, and Spain. It's primary objective is to provide evidence about the necessity of enabling contexts, and pathways to building environments that champion men's and father's involvement. Despite the proven role that fathers, alongside mothers, play for children’s well-rounded development, evidence in many countries shows lower engagement by men in care responsibilities and a lack of enabling conditions to support their sustained engagement.

Expanding upon previous programs in all three countries, EMiNC is elevating the discourse to a new level. It adopts a holistic approach to address this multifaceted issue: gathering more data at the country level to influence policy development and implementation, targeting changes in caregiving practices at home, and aiming to transform practices in early childhood services across various sectors.

Moderator - PowerPoint presentation
Mihaela Ionescu – Program Director, ISSA


Italy - PowerPoint presentation
Giorgio Tamburlini, Chairperson, Centro per la Salute del Bambino;
Annina Lubbock, Consultant, Centro per la Salute del Bambino

Spain - PowerPoint Presentation
Heinrich Geldschläger, Director of Research and International Projects, Conexus Association 

Portugal - PowerPoint Presentation
Marta Mascarenhas, Researcher, Observatory of Masculinities;
Tatiana Moura, Main Researcher and Coordinator of the Observatory of Masculinities

You may find the resources shared in the chat here.

Webinar recording