NEWS - INTESYS Toolkit Shares Pathways towards Integration in Early Childhood Systems
INTESYS focused on piloting the journey toward integration in four different early childhood systems in Europe. The project put an emphasis on ensuring that children and families in vulnerable situations had access to high-quality ECEC provided by better integrated services across the different sectors and professions – across age groups and governance levels.
Ahead of the project’s closing conference in April, the INTESYS consortium is releasing the outcome reports, as well as the final INTESYS Toolkit. These documents show a three-year journey toward integration.
Outcome Reports
Several outcome reports were produced for the close of the INTESYS project. One focuses on the project in its entirety, while four others deep-dive into the project’s pilots. Overall, positive outcomes from the project were reported from both professionals and families in the communities in which they work.
Changes for professionals
Across the pilots, professionals reported feeling more competent in their work and better able to identify the needs of the children they work with. Those involved in the project noted that the ability to meet professionals from other sectors and being part of a network as interesting and core to their ability to work in an integrated way.
Changes for parents and children
Parents from the pilot countries indicated an increased positive perception of the services offered to their children during the INTESYS project. Additionally, the project improved situations for children having difficulties in kindergartens.
Find the INTESYS outcome report HERE
Looking more in-depth?
Take a look inside the interworking of the INTESYS pilots. Outcome reports from four pilots in Belgium, Slovenia, Italy and Portugal share insights into the results of the integration journey. The reports share insights into the context in which these pilots take place, the outcomes produced by the project, specific lessons learned and recommendations for both policy makers and professionals.
You can find the outcome reports for each pilot HERE
The Final Toolkit
The INTESYS Toolkit is an innovative resource which has been developed based on a literature review and European survey carried out at the beginning of the project. The development of the Toolkit was coordinated by ISSA.
What’s inside the Toolkit?
The Toolkit proposes a Reference Framework for Integration in Early Childhood Systems which includes values and principles, key factors and quality practices that enable integration. It also proposes a cyclic process of change toward integration, where the Framework is supported by the use of various tools, insights and lessons learned from the INTESYS pilots in Belgium, Italy Portugal and Slovenia.
‘I believe this has helped us listen to each other, understand different perspectives, solve problems together and then start the journey for the integration of services.’ - Maria Assunção Folque of Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Portugal
This resource lays the foundation for strengthening integration in early childhood systems. It is an inspiring and versatile resource that can be easily adapted to various contexts across and within countries around the world.
You can access the full Toolkit HERE
About the INTESYS project
INTESYS is a three-year (November 2015 – October 2018) Forward Looking Cooperation Project co-funded by the European Commission's Erasmus+ Programme undertaken by a consortium of partners (see below). The project focuses on piloting new approaches to Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) systems in Europe with a view to ensuring that children and families in vulnerable situations have access to high quality ECEC provided by services that are better integrated across the different sectors (education, health, welfare, etc.), professions and across age groups and governance levels.