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Date: 01-08-2024

Playful Parenting Series | The Key to Engaged Fatherhood

Tags: play, playful parenting, Scaling-Up Playful Parenting, parenting support

In today's evolving societal roles, a father’s journey as a full-time caregiver to his two daughters shines as a powerful example of how playful parenting and engaged fatherhood can profoundly impact the parent-child relationship. Anne Çocuk Eğitim Vakfı (AÇEV) interviewed Özgehan Omağ, known as EnBaba in social media (name roughly translated: the best dad). He emphasizes the significance of being joyfully and meaningfully present and actively engaged in his children's lives, in this video interview. AÇEV is an experienced ISSA member from Türkiye, promoting engaged fatherhood and supporting father through targeted programs since 1990s. 

EnBaba’s Journey to Fatherhood  

Özgehan’s decision to become the primary caregiver wasn't premeditated. Initially, he had envisioned a more traditional arrangement for childcare. When his wife suggested that he take on the caregiving role, Özgehan was at first taken aback. His initial reaction was one of doubt, rooted in societal norms and personal inexperience: 

When she said, "Why don't you look after the child?" I was surprised. I said, "I can't." She asked, "Why can't you?" I said, "I don't know how to take care of a child. I don’t even know how to hold a baby!" She replied, "Well, I don't know either." I couldn't answer her, she was right!’’ 

Despite his fears, Özgehan decided to embrace the challenge. Undoubtedly, the communication between him and his wife and having an understanding for shared parenting was a key factor for him to take this step. Özgehan discovered that effective parenting entails trial and error and is not confined to gender but is a shared human experience that involves love, patience, imagination and dedication. 

Playful Parenting: Heart of Bonding 

Playing with your children is not just about fun; it's about creating connections, understanding their perspective, and supporting them in making sense of the world. Özgehan’s dedication to playful parenting and engaged fatherhood is creating a nurturing and enriching environment for his children. By being fully present and encouraging exploration, he is not only building lasting memories but also fostering a love of learning and a deep emotional bond. His approach serves as an inspiring example of how fathers can play an integral role in their children’s development, creating a legacy of love and connection that will last a lifetime. 

‘When we are together, I want them to feel that they are my priority.’ 

Men find caring for their children one of the most enjoyable aspects of their lives. However, it is not always easy for them. Busy working schedules, gender traditional norms and values in child rearing or simply ‘not knowing where to begin’ are common concerns expressed by many fathers and fathers-to-be. Parenting is a learning experience, and this journey entails a steep learning curve. Özgehan also faced numerous challenges himself but realizing that he did not want to miss out on precious time with his children, he became motivated to be more engaged.  

Özgehan adds that ‘It’s not about the amount of time but the quality of interactions.’ He observed in his network of fathers that when fathers communicate and explore their family dynamics with their partners, they start to find ways to become more involved in ways that feel more comfortable for them.  

Özgehan – the best dad, highlights those activities like reading books, cooking together, and taking walks are not just chores or pastimes; they are opportunities for connection and bonding. The focus should be on being present and engaged, free from distractions like mobile phones or television. 

These moments help to engage deeply with children, turning everyday activities into special memories. Özgehan continues: for example, reading time is not just about the stories but about the shared experience of exploring new worlds together. Cooking becomes a collaborative effort, with both his children contributing in their own way, fostering a sense of teamwork and accomplishment. Walks in the park turn into adventures where they explore nature, learn about their surroundings, and enjoy each other’s company.  Playful interactions are more than just games; they are vital learning opportunities - for children and parents alike. Through playful activities,  Özgehan has also learned essential childcare skills while discovering the joys of fatherhood.  

The takeaway 

Özgehan Omag's story is a powerful reminder that parenting is a shared journey. His experience encourages playful parenting and engaged fatherhood, demonstrating that with the right mindset and support, fathers can thrive as caregivers. Fathers can play an equally nurturing and impactful role in their children's lives. By promoting these values, we can work towards a more inclusive and supportive environment for all parents, ultimately benefiting our children and society as a whole. Learn more about EnBaba's inspiring journey in the interview below (select closed captioning and the language of your choice to translate the Turkish audio) or check out EnBaba's book here!  


ISSA Champions Engaged Fatherhood Across Europe 

Özgehan Omağ’s journey and the principles of playful parenting resonate deeply with our broader mission through the "Engaging Men in Nurturing Care" (EMiNC) initiative. This initiative encourages fathers to take active roles in caregiving, aiming to create a balanced and nurturing environment for children’s optimal development where both men and women are equally valued as parents. Since EMINC’s inception in March 2023, ISSA has been collaborating with partners implementing effective programs targeting early childhood professionals and fathers in Italy, Portugal, and Spain, including the Observatory of Masculinities – Center of Social Studies (CES) in Portugal, Centro per la Salute del Bambino - Centre for Child Health (CSB) in Italy, CONEXUS, and the Barcelona City Council, Office for Feminism and LGBTI Affairs in Spain, funded by OAK foundation. Together, we strive to influence policies at the national and EU levels, promoting gender equality in caregiving and ensuring that all children thrive in a supportive and inclusive society. Learn more on EMiNC here, and subscribe to our newsletter for updates. To read more about Playful Parenting visit our Knowledge Hub resource on the topic


EnBaba – the best dad receives a lot of messages  on social media from fathers who ask for advice: How can I be more involved in my children’s development and lives?  Inspired by Özgehan’s story here are some practical tips in how you can uncover your inner EnBaba – the best dad!: 

  1. Participate in Daily Routines: Engage in daily activities like feeding, bathing, and bedtime routines. These moments offer opportunities for bonding through play and conversation. 
  2. Create a Playful Environment: Set up a home environment that encourages play. Provide a variety of toys, books, and safe spaces for children to explore. 
  3. Engage in Child-Led Play: Let children take the lead in play activities. This allows them to explore their interests and boosts their confidence. 
  4. Incorporate Learning into Play: Use playtime as an opportunity to teach new concepts. For example, use building blocks to introduce colors and numbers. 
  5. Be Emotionally Present: Focus on being emotionally available and responsive. Show enthusiasm and interest in your child's activities. 
  6. Use Storytelling and Reading: Make reading and storytelling a regular part of your routine. This fosters language development and imagination. 
  7. Encourage Outdoor Play: Spend time playing outside. Activities like playing catch, running, or exploring nature are beneficial for physical development. 
  8. Play with Other Caregivers: Coordinate playdates with other children and caregivers. This helps children develop social skills and learn from different interactions. 
  9. Incorporate Music and Movement: Use music and dance as playful activities. These can enhance motor skills and provide joyful experiences. 



Akçınar, B. (2017). Involved fatherhood and its determinants in Turkey. Istanbul: Mother Child Education Foundation. 

ACEV video Blog with Ozgehan Omag: 

LEGO Foundation, 2019. What we mean by playful parenting in the early years. 

Trikic, Z. & Alayli, A. (2023). Supporting families for gender transformative parenting: Challenging the gender norms and gender inequalities to create a more equitable environment for all children to thrive. UNICEF. 

van der Gaag, N., Gupta, T., Heilman, B., Barker, G., & van den Berg, W. (2023). State of the World’s Fathers: Centering care in a world in crisis. Washington, DC: Equimundo. 


Learn more about the Playful Parenting Initiative here.

In partnership with LEGO Foundation and UNICEF, ISSA is committed to protecting children's right to play. Together, we are supporting parents and caregivers to engage in Playful Parenting.