Read the REYN Early Childhood Research Study
Romani Early Years Network
Young Romani and Traveller children are often denied the right to access quality early childhood education and care services, adequate nutrition as well as stimulating and protective environments. REYN advocates with local-, regional-, national- and European wide for access to Early Childhood Development services that can provide them with equal and quality developmental opportunities to unlock their unique potential and change their lives.
This is what REYN can achieve:
• Strengthened competences of Early Childhood Development professionals working with Romani and Traveller children, especially of those with Romani and Traveller background.
• Increased and valued diversity in practice and workforce by leveraging EU funds and policies, and by developing strategies to attract more Romani and Travellers in the Early Childhood Development workforce on national level.
• Ensured quality ECD services for all children across Europe by attracting attention to pro-inclusion policies for Romani and Traveller children.
We believe that by leveraging the EU attention and funding we can make a positive difference for children. Thanks to our international supporters we have been able to build a strong international network with the aim to prioritize Early Childhood Development in the EU’s political agenda.
Concretely we make the case for the need to include early childhood development services for children from birth to age of six, in the annual monitoring of the National Roma Integration Strategies by the European Commission (DG Justice and Consumers). Together with various key partners we support and monitor the work done by the different EU directorates (DG Justice and Consumers, DG Employment, social affairs and inclusion and DG Education and Culture) regarding Romani and Traveller young children.
At the same time, we work with the REYN National Networks to improve local services and increase diversity in the workforce at the national level. REYN advocates for pro-diversity policies and cooperates with local partners to develop strategies to attract more Roma in the ECD workforce. REYN is coordinated by ISSA and was supported by Open Society Foundations Early Childhood Program.
REYN Early Childhood Research Study
Despite a growing concern for Roma inclusion at the European level, a significant knowledge gap persists regarding children under six, hindering the development of responsive policies and programs.
To address this gap, ISSA, through its Romani Early Years Network (REYN), has conducted a unique research project that provides a comprehensive examination of the situation of young Roma children and their families across 11 European countries. The research was developed in collaboration with researchers from the Centre of Roma Studies (CEG) at CREA – University of Barcelona, with the financial support of Open Society Foundations.
Data on key areas impacting children’s development
By analyzing six key areas that impact the lives of young Roma children and their families (family status and living conditions, health and well-being, safety and security, early learning, responsive parenting and discrimination), the REYN Early Childhood Research Study (REYN Study) reveals the multiple challenges and barriers that young Roma children and their families face in these areas, such as poverty, social exclusion, poor health, low educational attainment, and limited access to quality services. It also highlights the strengths and resilience of Roma communities, as well as the potential of early childhood interventions to improve their outcomes and opportunities.