TOY for Inclusion
TOY for Inclusion is the gateway to education and care for many young children of disadvantaged communities. The project's Play Hubs have obtained extraordinary results in eight European countries:
- Improved the transition experience of Roma children to schools.
- Improved children’s preparedness for formal education.
- Increased trust of Roma communities in the local services.
Over 4,000 children involved in Play Hubs activities
The project strengthens integration and social cohesion by bringing children and families from different backgrounds together. In particular, Play Hubs aim to reach Roma families, migrant families and families living in vulnerable situations.
What is a Play Hub?
The TOY for Inclusion Play Hubs organize play-based activities designed to help children develop necessary skills and knowledge for formal education. The Local Action Teams, responsible for each Play Hub, mobilize local communities around young children and organize intergenerational activities involving older adults with and without Roma background. Activities can take place in the Hubs but also in other settings in the communities, such as community centers, libraries, parks, squares, preschools, health centers.
The Play Hubs also function as parenting support hub where parents and grandparents can visit with their young children/grandchildren to borrow toys and books, and at the same time learn about how play supports children’s learning development and access information about other child and family-focused services and events in the community. Play Hubs serve as centers for the community and reach beyond education and care, by offering important information to parents in areas such as health and nutrition.
TOY for Inclusion partners have opened 26 Play Hubs in eight countries—Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, the Netherlands, Slovakia, Slovenia and Turkey.
Read more on or follow the hashtag #TOY4inclusion.
TOY for Inclusion is coordinated by ISSA Member International Child Development Initiatives – ICDI. ISSA joins the consortium alongside member organizations, Associazione 21 Luglio, Center for Education Initiatives – CEI, Early Childhood Research Centre at Dublin City University, Step by Step Centre for Quality in Education, Open Academy Step by Step – OASS, Partners Hungary Foundation, Wide Open School – WOS. Akromfed (Mediterranean Roma Associations Federation) and the Salvation Army Netherlands are also partners in the consortium.
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