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The Engaging Men in Nurturing Care (EMiNC) initiative promotes gender equity in caregiving by advocating for shared parental responsibilities, influencing policies, and training early childhood practitioners, fostering a society where caregiving is valued and inclusive.
First Years, First Priority is a Europe-wide campaign, co-led by ISSA and Eurochild and set up to advocate for prioritization of early childhood development in public policies, with a particular focus on families and children who are at greater risk of discrimination and exclusion.

Since the first day of the war, the ISSA Network has mobilized to support young children and their families, both in Ukraine and in the countries receiving refugees. The wa


UNICEF, WHO and ISSA join forces to enable all children in Europe and Central Asia region to develop their full potential.


By providing a clear picture of the early years workforce, the Early Childhood Workforce Initiative aims to help policymakers in specific countries support the development of a quality workforce.


REYN advocates with local-, regional-, national- and European wide for access to Early Childhood Development services that can provide them with equal and quality developmental opportunities to unlock their unique potential and change their lives.

The project aims to establish local teams and networks which bring together the different sectors, institutions and stakeholders, and support them to work together effectively for responsive quality and equitable early childhood services for children from birth to six years of age.
Supporting families of young children before birth and during the child’s first years is of great importance. It can result in lifelong benefits for children, communities, societies and nations.

Embracing Diversity Training programs promote the values of anti-discrimination, anti-bias, and respect for diversity in classrooms, in communities, at the workplace, and in society. 


ISSA stresses the importance of putting very young children and their families at the centre of all early childhood interventions and programs provided through a diverse range of services. Concerning the age group birth to three age group ISSA has put the focus on quality. 


ISSA acknowledges the importance of working on the development of competences at all levels of the early childhood systems, in order to create a change and best support inclusive, high-quality practices in all ISSA members’ countries and beyond. 


Quality pedagogy depends on well-educated and qualified staff. As schools and preschools become ever-more diverse, having well-trained teachers and staff becomes more important than ever.

Through this partnership with the LEGO Foundation, UNICEF advances its work on Playful Parenting across in-depth country-level work in Zambia and Serbia, advocacy and communication, and global and regional knowledge generation and exchange, dissemination and uptake of relevant information.

ISSA's initiatives for refugee and migrant children recognize the vulnerability of infants and toddlers in these impoverished circumstances. We advocate for higher quality services, develop programs, and envisage interventions to empower professionals and a diverse set of practitioners.


TOY for Inclusion is the gateway to education and care for many young children of disadvantaged communities. The project's Play Hubs have obtained extraordinary results in eight European countries.

In the last decade, transitions of children across the home environment, early childhood education, and care (ECEC) and compulsory school education (CSE) has gained attention both in academic and in policy debates. Despite this, very few initiatives engage today professionals, children, families, and local communities in the creation of warm and inclusive transitional practices. InTrans addresses this gap by acting at policy and pre and in-service training levels.