EMiNC | Italy
In Italy, caregiving remains culturally tied to women, with fathers' roles in nurturing care often dismissed. This imbalance extends to workplace culture, where flexibility and support for fathers taking time off to care for children are limited. However, evidence gathered in Italy highlights a critical connection between caregiving policies and broader societal outcomes. For instance, research shows that women’s decisions to have additional children are often influenced by the level of caregiving support they receive, including fathers’ engagement. Increased paternal leave has been linked to higher employment rates for women and, indirectly, to improved fertility rates.
Efforts to address these challenges include targeted initiatives in Naples and other regions. These initiatives focus on lobbying for improved paternity leave policies, as well as training early childhood development (ECD) professionals, health workers, and university students on the principles of nurturing care. Additionally, work is being done with father groups and family center facilitators toward providing men with spaces to engage more actively in caregiving. A communication campaign featuring high-profile and everyday fathers aims to shift public perceptions, presenting caregiving as both a child-centered and community-oriented endeavor. These efforts are gradually building momentum to reshape caregiving culture in Italy.
This page will be regularly updated with news and resources related to the EMiNC initiative in Italy.
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